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Central nervous system in a sentence

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Sentence count:169+1Posted:2017-05-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: nervous systemfederal reserve systemnervousnervouslynervousnesscentralmanagement systemcentralizedMeaning: n. the portion of the vertebrate nervous system consisting of the brain and spinal cord. 
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(121) VX, Sarin and other nerve agents kill by disrupting the instructions between the brain and the central nervous system.
(122) Multiple sclerosis(MS)which has unknown aetiology and etiopathogenesis, is a chronic, autoimmune disease of the central nervous system(CNS).
(123) BACKGROUND:It has been found that central nervous system is involved in Guillain-Barre syndrome and Miller-Fisher syndrome, and the involved sites include optic nerve, brain stem and cerebellum.
(124) These results suggested that coumatetralyl possesses acute toxicological effect on central nervous system with characteristic of exciting at first and inhibiting later.
(125) Transmitting nerve impulses away from the central nervous system ; efferent.
(126) Neuroglia consisting of cells similar to but smaller than astrocytes, found in the central nervous system and associated with the formation of myelin.
(127) Neurogenic pulmonary edema ( NPE ) is a serious complication following central nervous system lesions.
(128) Because canine distemper viruses in different parts of the central nervous system, symptoms vary.
(129) Microglia play a protective immune effects in addition to the central nervous system diseases caused by pathogens,( nervous system.html) in chronic or pathological activation time can cause tissue damage.
(130) OBJECTIVE: To discuss the expression changes and role of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in central nervous system diseases, such as cerebral ischemia, traumatic brain damage and encephaledema.
(131) Central neurocytoma is a rare intraventricular tumor of the central nervous system comprising 0.25 to 0.5% of all brain tumors.
(132) Objective To study the regulative function of Anshenzengzhi grain to central nervous system of mouse.
(133) Autonomic nervous system , dominated by the human central nervous system, also subject to human emotion.
(134) Objective To investigate the effects of volatile oil from Piper nigrum L. on central nervous system.
(135) In addition to the cause of pneumococcal pneumonia, but also cause meningitis, septicemia, central nervous system infections such as otitis media and a range of diseases.
(136) Since 1988 to now have been engaged in the diagnosis of MRI, especially expert in the central nervous system disease and coeliac disease.
(137) Objective To study the morphologic changes of central nervous system and endocrine glands in nervous endemic cretinism.
(138) Objective To study the calcium antagonistic effects of cyproheptadine ( CPH ) in central nervous system ( CNS ).
(139) We propose that the central nervous system is the critical organ for the coordination of intracellular metabolic processes that are essential to guarantee energy homeostasis at the organismal level.
(140) Glutamate ( Glu ) is the main excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system ( CNS ) .
(141) A chemical substance, such as a narcotic or hallucinogen, that affects the central nervous system, causing changes in behavior and often addiction.
(142) Sleeping sickness isspreadedspread by the bite of the tsetse fly. The insect can carry a parasite that infects the central nervous system.
(143) Alzheimer's disease(AD)is presenile dementia, it is a neurodegenerative disease of the central nervous system, and the mechanism of it is not clear.
(144) Materials and Methods The preoperative MRI were performed in 73 patients with neurogenic bladder planned for the operation of artificial somatic central nervous system autonomic reflex pathway.
(145) Amphetamine is a drug that stimulates the central nervous system.
(146) The blood sucking fly spreads a parasite which causes trypanosomiasis and attacks the central nervous system.
(147) Sparganosis mansoni is a human zoonotic parasites, parasites in the central nervous system Sparganum mansoni, the main treatment is surgical excision.
(148) Corticortropin- releasing hormone (CRH) is an important hormone in neuroendocrine system, which plays a wide role in central nervous system and its mechanisms are complicated.
(149) The central nervous system was composed of brain and ventral nerve cord in the embryo stage of the swimming crab.
(150) It is the influence of muscle tonus upon bone formation that brings this aspect of morphogenesis back to an interaction with the central nervous system.
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